Friday, May 29, 2009

Funding your million dollar idea

We did it!

Finally, after so many months of ups and downs it is here, the DVD and CD of one of my most successful topics: Funding your million dollar idea!

Find the answers to most questions:

debt or equity?
angels or partners?
venture capitalists?
where to go when the bank says no?

The best part is that you can listen and preview it all BEFORE you buy. With so many people now looking at creating their own wealth - so happy about it- it is the perfect time to think about it.

The book is coming up soon, but in the mean time.. ENJOY IT!

and if you have ANY comments, I am all eyes for them.

and many many thanks to Goran Paunovic from who created the art -as well as all my corporate id- and to Justin Woodward from for editing and polishing the video.

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