Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The power of intent

Welcome to 2009. The year starts with an interesting mix of uncertainty and hope. In moments like this we need to be more like players than watchers of our lives... and there is nothing like the combination of purpose and group support to do so. I don’t know of any successful person who has not used intention and leverage. Do you?

Let’s start with purpose/intention. I like to use the word intention better, as it is more mmm flexible. Intention gives power to effort because how we live is partially determined by our actions. It is true that circumstances beyond our control also have an impact of our lives, but why worry about something we can’t control when we can take care of something that we do control, like our thoughts and actions?

This is why I chose the theme of the intention to start 2009. Our intention serves as a focal point, a point of support out there in the future, against which our actions can be leveraged. Without it, many of our efforts are spent in vain. When we are clear about our intention, we can rule out distractions and focus on what we want to achieve, whilst having more time, not less, to relax and enjoy life.

But having an intention in our mind is not good enough; it needs to be expressed. It requires a statement, a declaration that can be shared with and by others. An explicit intention is like a mark, a note, a piece of information, it creates a reaction, it invites others that share your intention to be part of it. It tells the world: this is my boat, come ride!

Sometimes we don’t want to be focused because we can be inefficient, what we want is not aligned with what we think we ‘must’ want, and for many other reasons. Truth is that having an intention sends a clear signal to others, and helps you manage your life much much better. Successful people recognize that life is easier and much more fun when we invite others to be part of our success and viceversa. Collaborating and exploring in a group gives great benefits to all involved.

Therefore I invite you to think about your intention for 2009 and express it out loud…

My intention for 2009 is to continue building my career as an international speaker and author. I plan to publish two books, give presentations in 10 different countries, have an impact on 500 people and generate US$100,000 in speaking fees in 2009. I’m off to a great start, visiting San Francisco and Houston. In April/May I’ll be in the Middle East and in Central America and South America, and in September in California again. I am planning my activities around my intention, my friends and providers are able to help me inmensely because what I want is very clear. It is working beautifully.

I hope I can help with your intent for 2009, and specially I hope that what I do has an impact in your life (then I’ll be short by 498 others :-).

So, what is your intention for 2009?

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